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Helpful Tips for Marking Parts with Steel Hand Stamps

Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind when using a hand stamp or handheld steel type holder to mark parts:

  1. M-E-Conomy Hand StampMake sure you mark on a solid, stable bench, located over a support or leg to eliminate any bounce or flexing of the bench surface. Use a large, flat piece of soft steel as a base to lay your parts on when marking with a steel hand stamp.
  2. Choose the proper marking hammer size based on the following criteria:
  3. If you're marking a single 1/4” tall character into tool steel you'll need approximately 2.1 tons of pressure. Choose a 3/4 to 1-1/4 lb. hammer. (Note - a more experienced operator can usually use a lighter marking hammer.) The speed and accuracy of the hammer blow when striking the stamp is very important.
  4. When marking multiple characters using a hand stamp the amount of striking force required is dramatically increased.
  5. steel hand stampIf you're marking (4) 1/4" tall characters at once using a steel hand stamp, the pressure needed will be approximately 12.6 tons. This amount of force would require the use of a 3 to 3-1/2 lb. marking hammer.
  6. Place the hand stamp onto the part to be marked and rock it back and forth to make sure the stamp is laying perfectly flat on the part.
  7. When hitting the hand stamp with a hammer only strike the stamp once; hit the stamp and pull the hammer away. If the hammer bounces on the stamp more than one time, you will end up with a double or triple impression.                                 

hand stamps protectionCAUTION: Wear safety goggles/eye protection whenever using a hammer and marking with hand stamps.

Contact us today to see how Durable Technologies can help you with your hand stamp and steel stamp requirements.

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